As a Quickbase customer, this announcement means that Quickbase and our community have a bright and bold future. We obsess each and every day on how we can better serve you and all of our customers. Our partnership with Vista is a huge validation and support for our long-term future—we gain with them the support to enable us to self-fund our growth for the long-term.
Vista Equity Partners is a U.S.-based investment firm with offices in Austin, Chicago, New York City, Oakland, and San Francisco with more than $46 billion in cumulative capital commitments. Vista exclusively invests in software, data, and technology-enabled organizations led by world-class management teams. As a value-added investor with a long-term perspective, Vista contributes professional expertise and multi-level support towards companies to realize their full potential. Vista’s investment approach is anchored by a sizable long-term capital base, experience in structuring technology-oriented transactions, and proven management techniques that yield flexibility and opportunity. For more information, please visit
Vista’s current portfolio employs over 60,000 people and serves over 800,000 customers, making up over 220 million users. To see Vista full portfolio of companies, visit:
Quickbase has a bold, exciting vision that our software can radically disrupt how businesses and organizations of all sizes work more effectively and better serve their customers, employees, and partners. Vista shares that vision and our excitement. We are thrilled to partner with Vista, as a proven leader, in order to dramatically accelerate on this vision.
We expect our product roadmap to accelerate. Over the last 18 months, Quickbase has revamped our product organization, and this has resulted in a significant impact in delivering customer focused innovation and value. This announcement will help us deliver even more innovation and value across our entire spectrum of customers.
No. You will continue to receive the outstanding service and support that you have come to expect from our Customer Success and Customer Care teams.
No changes are occurring here—you continue to engage with your existing customer success and/or care representatives. With significant investments being made in these areas, you should see continuous improvement.
Welsh, Carson, Anderson, and Stowe is excited about our vision and progress, and they will remain a meaningful shareholder in our road ahead.