Navigating changes to the software you use daily can be a challenge. Even when those changes are as exciting and beneficial as Quickbase’s recent product updates around our navigation, getting used to new features and new capabilities can take some adjusting and focus. While many changes often are well-received, especially when they’re overdue improvements, managing that change well can be the difference between discontent and excitement. Ensuring that everyone has what they need to be successful makes for much smoother technology change. Here are some tips from Quickbase leaders on how to manage change – and what your products can do to make that change smoother.
Why is it such a challenge?
Especially with technology, people don’t have a ton of trust in the tools they use to get work done. Quickbase’s own research found that only 50% of survey respondents feel more productive as a result of the software solutions they use for project management, so any changes can risk productivity if not managed well. People need to have accurate data to get work done, and need to know where to turn for that data, so any changes to the ways they interact with their software tools can put this trust at risk.
Further, people struggle with the amount of tools they have to use on a daily basis. That same research found that 9 out of 10 respondents are overwhelmed to some degree with the amount of software solutions needed to get work done on a typical day. If one of those solutions sees changes that make work harder, it’s less likely they will have the energy to learn how to interact with the new interface or capabilities.
What can you do?
One major way to navigate product changes comes with strong communications within your organization. Telling people as far in advance as possible what changes to expect, how it will (and will not) affect their daily work, and what the benefits are going to be will make a big difference.
When leaders don’t have time, they can sometimes be inundated with questions – and not have the time to get ahead of the message. “In my position, I frequently get questions about changes in Quickbase,” said Wes McAda from Versar Global Solutions. “I am not always able to address Quickbase changes that come my way proactively. I would love to be able to control messages to users for change management at the realm level.”
What should your software do?
While proactive communication can solve a lot of challenges with software change management, it’s not enough. You should expect more out of the tools themselves to support changes that are coming, and ensure that users get the information they need to succeed.
One option comes with in-app notifications. Tools can have pop-up notifications that detail when changes are coming and how to prepare for them. Often, this takes the burden off of company IT leaders in communicating changes.
“"I like the idea of alerts like that (when it comes to change management),” said Jessica Rugg, Technical Specialist at Benesch. “I look forward to implementing them within our organization.”
Software can also have suggested messaging to your organization about any changes, to prevent mixed messages or inaccurate information going around. “Quickbase could offer and maintain suggested content for use in those messages. This would facilitate change management for those of us who are charged with managing Quickbase realms,” McAda added.
Ultimately, the best software companies are going to make changes that fit best with what their users need, the feedback they hear on their products, and the ways the marketplace is changing. Without consistent changes, software tools can become obsolete. But without the ability to manage those changes well, software can lose touch with what users need and how they work.