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Quickbase Platform

The New OSHA Recordkeeping and Incident Reporting Pro App: Simplifying Compliance and Safety

Written By: Javeria Husain
September 6, 2024
5 min read

OSHA compliance is a must, but relying on old-school paperwork? Not so much.

If you’re in the manufacturing industry, you know how time-consuming and error-prone the process can be.

That’s where the new OSHA Recordkeeping and Incident Reporting Pro App from Quickbase comes in. It’s designed to make your life easier by streamlining OSHA reporting, keeping your team safe, and helping you stay compliant—without the headaches.

The State of Manufacturing Safety

In 2022, employers reported 2.8 million nonfatal workplace injuries and illnesses, up 7.5% from 2021. The increase was driven by a rise in both injuries and illnesses.

The Total Recordable Incident Rate (TRIR) for manufacturing was notably higher than other industries, highlighting the urgent need for effective safety management systems. The Days Away, Restricted, or Transferred (DART) rate, which measures the severity of injuries, was also above the national average, indicating that many of these incidents resulted in significant downtime.

The Price you Pay

Not following OSHA standards can cost you a lot of money. In 2023, the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration fined businesses $132.3 million for violations of its top 10 regulations—a 30% increase from the previous year, driven by more inspections and added compliance officers.

But fines are not the only cost you have to bear. The indirect costs that come from lost productivity, legal fees, and bad reputation—can be even worse. In fact, process inefficiencies alone can make you lose 20%-30% revenue every year.

Companies that fail to maintain safety standards not only risk regulatory penalties but also risk their workforce’s well-being and their business’s sustainability.

How Quickbase Makes Safety Management Easy

Keeping your workplace safe means more than just fixing problems when they happen. It means preventing them in the first place. Quickbase’s OSHA Recordkeeping and Incident Reporting Pro App is designed to help you do just that. It provides insight into your operations with detailed reports, easy-to-read dashboards, and instant feedback. You can spot and fix potential hazards before they cause trouble, reduce the number of reportable incidents, and reduce the financial impact of workplace injuries.

Here's what makes this app a must-have:

  1. Automatic Form Population: Tired of filling out the same information over and over? The OSHA Pro App takes care of that for you by automatically populating OSHA Forms 301, 300, and 300A based on your reports. Plus, you can automate form submissions to OSHA via API pipeline setups, saving valuable service hours.
  2. Annual Summary Generation: The OSHA Pro App automatically generates your OSHA Form 300A each year, making sure you're always on top of your compliance game.
  3. Integration with Existing Systems: Safety data often exists in silos, making it difficult to get a comprehensive view of workplace safety. The Quickbase OSHA Pro App syncs with your current systems, collecting data from different places to give you a complete view of safety performance.
  4. Visual Schedule and Data Representation: Keep track of follow-up appointments and safety checks with a visual calendar that ensures nothing slips through the cracks. Use Pareto charts, pie charts, and bar charts for a visual representation of incident data, such as veteran vs. new hires and recordable vs. non-recordable incidents by facility.
  5. Timely Notifications: Stay on top of incident reporting and compliance deadlines with automated email alerts.
  6. Customization and Flexibility: Manufacturing operations are not one-size-fits-all, and neither is the Quickbase OSHA Pro App. It allows for customization to fit the specific needs of your operation, offering flexibility that standard solutions don’t.
  7. Flexible Data Sharing: Easily share your data with anyone who needs it. The app lets you export information in various formats like PDF and Word, making it simple to email, upload, or print.
  8. Bulk OSHA Submission: Send your OSHA reports online with the app's CSV output, which is compatible with OSHA's online reporting system, saving you time and effort. For complete automation, API integrations allow you to use your preferred tools and platforms with ease.
  9. Mobile Access: You can use the Quickbase platform and Pro Apps on your phone or tablet, so you always have essential safety management tools at your fingertips no matter where you are.

Keeping Everyone on the Same Page

Things can go south in an instant—a machine breaks, a spill happens, or someone gets hurt. You need to communicate these incidents quickly and clearly, so you can get the help you need and avoid further damage. That's why you need Quickbase app. It lets you document every incident in detail, with things like treatments, files, and more. That way, you can keep everyone in the loop—from the shop floor to the office—and make sure safety is always a priority.

Insights and AI at Your Fingertips

The OSHA Recordkeeping and Incident Reporting Pro App does more than just collect data; it actually helps you understand it. Using AI-powered insights, the app analyzes your information and spots trends, picking up on safety risks before they get serious. For instance, if certain shifts or machines have more incidents, the app alerts safety managers so they can take steps like extra training or equipment checks.

Real Results, Real Impact

The proof is in the pudding—or in this case, in the data. Manufacturers using the Quickbase OSHA Pro App have seen significant improvements in their safety metrics:

  • 30% Reduction in Reportable Safety Incidents: With more accurate and detailed reporting, manufacturers can catch issues before they escalate.
  • 70% Reduction in Lost Time Days: Increased visibility into incidents allows for quicker, more proactive responses, keeping your operations running smoothly.
  • $300,000 to $400,000 Saved on Workman’s Compensation Payouts: Fewer incidents mean fewer payouts, directly impacting your bottom line.

Simplify Your Safety Management Processes Today

Ready to transform your OSHA compliance and safety management? The OSHA Recordkeeping and Incident Reporting Pro App from Quickbase is designed to simplify complex tasks, keeping you compliant and your team safe. Don’t let outdated processes slow you down—discover how this app can boost your safety management and meet regulatory demands effortlessly. Check out the Quickbase Exchange to see how these Pro Apps can make a real impact on your operations.

Headshot Javeria Husain
Written By: Javeria Husain

Javeria Husain is a Content Writer for Quickbase.