Courier for Quick Base

Courier for Quick Base
Enhanced Functionality provided by Courier includes:

Email Notifications

  • Send emails with file(s) attached to them
  • Control the "FROM" address of the email message. Use an email address from each record being processed or use a generic email address for all records being processed.
  • Send emails from your own mail server.
  • Schedule email messages to be sent on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis.
  • Send an email "on demand", with a click of a button you can send your email messages without waiting for the overnight process to run
  • Include related data in a subtable report with advanced control of styling 
  • Send reminders to NON Quick Base users.
  • Include "CC" and "BCC" email addresses for all reminders.
  • Customize the message subject and body to include fields from your Quick Base records(s).
  • Include file attachments with your reminder messages, use a file from each record and/or include additional generic files.
Execution Options
  • Triggered execution will run based on a "change" event in Quick Base. A Quick Base email notification is designed in your application to fire when a record is added/updated/deleted which will then initiate the QB Courier process to be executed.
  • On-Demand execution will run an email "campaign" whenever you want, with a click of a button. Create a report in your application to filter the records you want to receive the email message. Click a button to execute that email campaign "On-Demand".
  • Scheduled execution will run an email "campaign" on a scheduled basis; daily, weekly, monthly. This option can run reminder type notifications as well. Similar to On-Demand, create a report to filter the records but instead of clicking a button to execute, set up a schedule for it to run.

Request Information

Please provide your contact information and a brief description of your Quickbase project. The partner you requested will follow up to discuss your needs further.
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