You've created your first app!

We hope that you enjoyed your first experience with Quickbase. We're confident that once you get a hang of the basic operations, you'll come up with unlimited ways to use it to create business solutions. You're well on your way to being a Quickbase Builder.

You've learned a lot in a short time! You know know how to:

  • Create tables, fields, and relationships
  • Use relationships to eliminate inefficiencies by requiring less data entry
  • Create formulas and summary fields to use in reports
  • Create awesome reports and charts for your team and management
  • Create simple and easy-to-access dashboards with reports, charts, and buttons on the app homepage


You had a few goals when you took over this process from Drew. Let's look at the goals, and how you were able to make improvements.

Eliminate inefficienciesEnabled team members to choose a product instead of typing itRelationships
Minimize effort to update dataCorrected the product name in the product table, which automatically updated all the ordersTables and Relationships
Share access to reportsEnabled management to see the status of the business without askingDashboard

By making it easy for others in your team to enter orders and view reports, you empowered them to be self-sufficient. Everyone wins!

  • Your team has the information they need at their fingertips
  • Your company is more efficient, saving time and money
  • You have more time to spend on high value activities, like identifying other areas for process improvement, and then building more apps to specifically address those processes

Next steps

What other problems can you think of that you can solve with Quickbase? Take a minute to jot them down. Do you have an idea already? Go ahead and start building your solution.

If you need help, you can go to Quickbase University, Quickbase Community, or Quickbase Help.