Quickbase for field service management software

Track client and project information from any location and on any device.

A man with a tablet looks out from a skyscraper

Give more power to your teams

Spreadsheets and legacy systems slow your team down, resulting in missed deadlines, errors, and waste. Be sure your teams have accurate, updated information at every stage of every project — with a tailored field services solution that fits your business.

Stay organized with dashboards

Build out responsive, customizable, drag-and-drop dashboards for an accurate pulse check on your projects every time. Create comprehensive reports from multiple sources of data and keep everyone on the same page.

Use business intelligence to your advantage

Business intelligence is critical to making strategic decisions and providing direction. Build dynamic reports with drag-and-drop tools to understand the profitability of your practice and where your time is best spent.

Deliver better service with easy collaboration

Give your team the up-to-date information they need when they’re on-site. Reduce costs and keep projects on track by updating critical job info in real time from any device. Access job-specific details, create reports on the fly, or view high-level dashboards all in one place.

How does it work?

Our no-code platform lets you easily create, connect, and customize enterprise applications that fix visibility and workflow gaps without replacing a single system.
An image of a Quickbase dashboard on a desktop computer

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